
It gives us immense pleasure to declare that Yard International School and College, Balabari Hat, Ekarchali, Taraganj, Rangpur. has entered into a new horizon of digital Bangladesh. I undertook initiative to establish an official website with a number of dynamic pages in it. Meanwhile we have established Time Attendance Machine and CC Cameras in the School premises. But the total digitization of entire Management of Institution is a need of present days. Accordingly, We have started the digitization process of the Institutions. The Digital Management System includes everything of the Institutions such as Attendance, Exam schedules, Annual Calendar of events, Syllabuses, Admission procedures, Forms, Administration, Notices, Accounts, Library Management, Holidays and Vacations etc. which can be managed and known by accessing through the Website. Though it is a huge task, we have almost come to the finishing level. Perfection is an ongoing process. I hope and believe that Management of these institution will be modernized by employing updated digitalized procedure in the years to come. I pray to the Almighty Allah for its success and proper utilization up to everyone’s expectations. Md Mizanoor Rahman Principal Yard International School and College